A reliable web host, with fast connections to the internet, is absolutely essential to success on the Web. Unless you have a fast dedicated link to the network and a full time staff to manage your server, hosting is something best left to others. Hosting services range from the cheap to the extravagant, with corresponding levels of capability and service.
I have been using as my hosting supplier for several years. Their servers are fast and reliable and are managed 24x7 by a professional staff.
I provide hosting services only for the sites of my design customers.
A surprising number of small businesses, even some with domain names and web sites, use e-mail accounts from their ISP or one of the large e-mail providers like Google, Yahoo or MSN. While this certainly works, an e-mail address with your own domain name has a much more professional appearance. E-mail sent to can be forwarded to an existing account or go into a separate mailbox which can be accessed via Outlook or through a web interface.
Anyone who has used computers at all knows that things can and do go wrong. Sometimes servers fail or software misbehaves. And sometimes mistakes are made in the design or implementation of a site. Or the needs of the business or the descriptions of its services change. All these situations require support.
When there are problems or changes need to be made, I will be ready to help you.